
Showing posts from October, 2017

Stellar Bootstrap 4 Premium Admin Template

Stellar admin template is the freshest admin template from #BootstrapDash . Built upon the latest version of Bootstrap, Bootstrap 4 beta, the template has a very neat, high-quality design with a fine organization of elements and UI components. Crafted with precision and coded with expertise, Stellar admin is a one of a kind admin template. Visit: Visit for more template: To know more, connect with us ; Website URL: Facebook : Google+ : Twitter :

12 Amazing Free and Premium HTML5/CSS3 Admin Templates You Should Know

Backend admin panels are an integral part of a web application now. Website administrators need to keep track of the website statistics constantly. A lot of data are needed by the administrator and quite a lot of them make administrative end complex to manage. These data have to be represented in the admin panel with utmost simplicity so that they are easier to manage. In order to avoid the trouble of building all the components from scratch and including all the required plugins to make the admin panel fully functional, the easiest way is to rely on an admin template. When using an admin template, there are many things that have been taken care of. The templates are already responsive, they include many widgets, many pre-built pages, a lot of widgets etc. You can download a template that fits the needs of your project. If the design and features of the template meet your requirement, ensures well-written code, has a clean and a high-quality interface, then it can save you a to